Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Javelin Throw: The Biomechanical Principles for Optimal Performance

The Question

             How can we optimise the distance of which a javelin travels after release?


Javelin is a universal sport and originated in Ancient Greece, and since then has been adapted (Nemeth Javelins, n.d.). In modern times, javelin was first included as an event for men in the 1906 Olympics; however, women were not allowed to compete until 1932 (Nemeth Javelins, n.d.). The aim in javelin is to throw the javelin as far as possible from a set point, within set parameters (Stander, 2006). Throughout time, the technique used has changed and still continues to continues to change. Reasons for technique change include safety considerations, injury prevention, and allowing for optimal results (Valleala, 2012). While technique has changed, there are six phases that have been identified to take place during in successful execution of a Javelin throw (Mackenzie, 2002). These phases include: 
  • Carry Phase,
  • Withdrawal Phase,
  • Transition Phase,
  • Pre-delivery Stride,
  • Delivery Phase,
  • and Recovery Phase.

Each phase requires a number of steps and skills to be successfully executed in order to progress to the next phase (Mackenzie, 2002). The above question, how can we optimise the distance of which a javelin travels after realease?, will be answered examining the biomechnical principles of a specific technique in each of the six phases. 

The Run Up

Carry Phase - Hand position and grip

The carry phase is the phase in which the javelin is held in place and pointed in the direction of the run up (Mackenzie, 2002). The grip and hand position in this phase will determine the way in which the javelin will be released during the delivery phase.  

Figure 1. The three type of grips commonly used in javelin. SOURCE: Stander, 2006.

There are three different grips commonly used in javelin, and each grip requires a different level of skill (Stander, 2006). The American Grip, as pictured above, requires the lowest level of skill, and the "V" Grip requiring the highest, with an increase in safety risks as difficulty increases (Stander, 2006). 
During the Carry Phase the javelin is held in the hand using one of the above grips, in which the palm of the carrying hand is facing up. The grip on the javelin should be relaxed, allowing for the arm and shoulder to be relaxed too. By having a relaxed grip on the javelin it reduces the tension throughout the entire body which brings us to Newton’s Third Law of Motion. Newton’s Third Law states “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” (Blazevich, 2010). During the Carry Phase the athlete is moving with the javelin, the force from the foot hitting the ground is transferred through the body; if the body was kept rigid, including the hand, arm, and shoulder, this would cause the athlete to run rigidly, and the arm to jerk around while moving. Allowing the body to be relaxed and absorb the impact of the foot hitting the ground the the hand, arm, and shoulder may only move slightly. The athlete will have more control over their body and will move more efficiently during the carry phase. 

Withdrawal Phase - Angle of the hips in regards to the direction of running

During the Withdrawal Phase the athlete drives forward, causing the arm carrying the javelin to be pulled back and increases momentum (Mackenzie, 2002). The athletes posture should change during this phase, which lasts for approximately two strides. This can be seen in the below image. 

Figure 2. Body positioning during the withdrawal phase. SOURCE: http://www.wikihow.com/Throw-a-Javelin

The hips during the Withdrawal Phase should be at right angles to the direction in which the athlete is travelling; this can be seen in the second athlete in the above picture. Keeping the hips at right angles changes the athlete’s torque, and distances their centre of mass from their centre of gravity (Valleala, 2012)
. An individual’s centre of mass is the point at which the body’s weight is evenly distributed in any way; it can have an effect on the athlete’s sense of balance if it differs too greatly from the centre of gravity (Blazevich, 2010). The athlete keeps an upright position meaning the centre of mass does not differ too greatly from the centre of gravity. However, the torque of the body has been changed as the position of the hips differs from the position in which the remainder of the body is facing. Torque is an extension of centre of mass, and is the twisting of an object, in this case the hips, to apply force (Blazevich, 2010). This impacts the athlete’s momentum at which they are travelling in preparation to deliver the javelin. Therefore, to allow for minimal impact on the athlete's momentum, the change in position of the hips should be a slow and fluid movement. This will allow for balance to be kept, due to the centre of mass being even.

Transition Phase - Placement of the planting foot

The Transition Phase is is the final phase in preparation to begin the delivery (Mackenzie, 2002). This phase requires the athlete to cross their feet over, and stepping forward causing the athlete to lean backwards. 

Figure 3. Foot placement during the Transition Phase. SOURCE: http://www.wikihow.com/Throw-a-Javelin

Positioning of the feet during the Transition Phase has a great impact on the potential outcome of the delivery. For a right-handed athlete, the position of the right foot during this phase is vital; it changes the position of the athlete’s entire body. The right foot should be advanced ahead of the left foot, and in turn ahead of the athlete’s centre of gravity. This advancement should cause the body to lean at a 115° angle as seen in the above image. A body’s centre of gravity is the point at which the weight body is evenly distributed in a vertical manner (Blazevich, 2010); advancing the right foot forward in such a manner causes the athlete’s centre of gravity to no longer be displaced. In order to gain place the body leans back at a 115° angle, causing the body’s centre of mass to be stable.  

The Throw

Pre-delivery Stride - Upper body position

This stride is the final step before the javelin is thrown; the body position during this phase important as the direction of the body determines the direction in which the javelin will travel (Unknown, 2015). The upper body during the pre-delivery stride aligns with the lower body and faces the direction in which the javelin it to be released [as seen in the above image]. This in turn reduces the athlete’s moment of inertia as the bodies distance from their centre of rotation is also reduced. As the upper body is aligned with the hips, the athlete is likely to be more stable, allowing them to transfer their momentum from their lower body, to their upper body and eventually to the javelin. This is successfully achieved due to the reduction in the moment of inertia (Blazevich, 2012).

Delivery Phase - Release angle of the javelin

Figure 4. Demonstration of the kinetic chain leading up to the delivery. SOURCE: Stander, 2006.

The Delivery Phase is arguably the most important phase in the process of the javelin throw; it is when the athlete finally releases the javelin. During the Delivery Phase the entire body works together to deliver the javelin the optimal distance. This is due to the kinetic chain, in which each part of the body has previously moved sequentially to achieve the desired outcome [as seen in the above image], also known as the throw-like movement pattern (Blazevich, 2010). This process can help enable the angle of which the javelin is released. The javelin should be released when the throwing hand is at its highest point; however, as well as the height of release, the angle of release and speed of release will also impact upon the distance achieved by the javelin (Valleala, 2012). These factors are due to projectile motion, which is also impacted by air resistance and gravity. In order for the javelin to travel the optimal distance the projection speed, the speed at which the athlete is travelling when the javelin is released, must be high (Valleala, 2012). The higher the projection speed, the further the javelin should travel this is also dependent on the angle and height of release. The angle and height of release are dependent on one another; the angle should increases as height of the landing area increases [an example of this can be seen in Figure 5]. The optimal angle of release would be approximately 35° degrees, as the javelin is being released at a height greater than that of the landing area. 

Figure 5. Projectile motion. SOURCE: Blazevich, 2010.

Based on the information above we can calculate the distance in which the javelin would travel if it was thrown at a specific angle, height and speed. Below is a table of hypothetical data based on various angles of which the javelin could be thrown at, and the distance it would achieve.

Angle of Release
Height of Release
Speed of Release
Distance travelled
1.75 metres
6.0 metres per second
3.58 metres
1.75 metres
6.0 metres per second
4.50 metres
1.75 metres
6.0 metres per second
4.95 metres
1.75 metres
6.0 metres per second
5.13 metres
1.75 metres
6.0 metres per second
4.96 metres
1.75 metres
6.0 metres per second
4.41 metres
1.75 metres
6.0 metres per second
2.22 metres
1.75 metres
6.0 metres per second
0.00 metres

The Follow  Through

Recovery Phase - Follow through after javelin release

This final phase is important for many reasons, it helps to reduce injury risk and allows the transfer of momentum to be high (Mackenzie, 2002). During this final phase the back leg is brought forward to stop the athlete travelling any further forward (Unknown, 2015). This once again stabilises the athlete, ensuring the do not go over the fault line and that their centre of mass is evenly distributed. It allows the athlete to transfer their momentum to throw the javelin successfully with limited impact on their speed (Blazevich, 2010).  

The Answer

The above video demonstrates the six phases of the javelin throw as discussed throughout this post. The key biomechanical principles that need to be considered while attempting a successful execution of the javelin throw are: 
  • Newton's Third Law of Motion: Every action has an equal and opposite action
  • Centre of Mass
  • Centre of Gravity
  • Torque
  • Transfer of Momentum
  • Kinetic Energy Chain
  • Projectile Motion
If each of these principles are addressed, and the optimal release angle is achieved, than the javelin should travel far. Though, it is important to remember that weather, gravity, and air resistance can all change the optimal outcome and these are often beyond the control of the athlete (Blazevich, 2010). Providing the athlete moves through the six phases, achieving the correct technique, similar to that in the above video, than distance should be optimal  for the conditions and injury risk should be reduced (Mackenzie, 2002). 

How can we use this information further?

The biomechanical principles identified within the javelin throw could also be applied to other skills or sporting techniques. These include shot put, and the over arm American Football pass (Blazevich, 2010). Both these skills incorporate the kinetic chain using a throw-like movement, and rely on projectile motion to allow the pass or shot put to travel the optimal distance (Blazevich, 2010). Having an understanding of these techniques can allow for the transfer of knowledge in a range of skills, as well as improving performance within javelin.


Blavevich, A. J., (2010). Sports Biomechanics The Basics: Optimising human performance (2nd ed.). London: Bloomsbury.

Mackenzie, B. (2002). Javelin. Brian Mac Sports Coach. Retrieved 15 June 2015, from http://www.brianmac.co.uk/javelin

Nemeth Javelins (n.d.). History - Nemeth Javelins. Retrieved from http://www.nemethjavelins.hu/history

Quintic Consultancy (2012, February 9). Javelin throw filmed by Quintic (Slow motion 300fps) [video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlOc6r6Eo8w

Stander, R. (2006). Athletics Omnibus - Javelin Throw. Athletics South Africa: Houghton. Accessed at  http://www.bolandathletics.com/5-13%20Javelin%20Throw.pdf

Unknown. (2015). How to throw a Javelin. WikiHow. Retrieved 16 June 2015, from http://www.wikihow.com/Throw-a-Javelin

Valleala, R. (2012). Biomechanics in javelin throwing. Retrieved from http://www.kihu.fi/tuotostiedostot/julkinen/2012_val_biomechani_sel72_42228.pdf